winter challenge

safe winter dipping

With the recent explosive growth of outdoor swimming, combined with more people attempting to continue through winter, inevitably an increase in incidents follows. Clevedon seafront has had its share recently, more than in previous years. Swimmers are a friendly, supportive community who look out for each other, so with that in mind, this year’s challenge will cost £20 to pay for a badge and a short aquatic first aid session: how to use a defibrillator (AED), perform CPR, and recognise and deal with cold water shock, hypothermia, and drowning. 

A local training provider, INFINITE TRAINING SOLUTIONS LTD will deliver a comprehensive but basic course for just £15 and 1.5 hours of your time, so we avoid cost and time barriers, and hopefully train as many people as possible. Each session will have about 10 people, with manikins and AEDs provided for you to practice on. Even if you know these skills a refresher is always helpful and attending a session is a great way to meet others. However, if you don’t want to attend, your £15 will contribute to ensuring a session runs where we don’t meet the minimum booking requirement. Two back-to-back sessions will run, either Sat or Sun, starting about 10:00 and 12:00. If you cannot make weekends, add a comment in the form and we will see what else can be arranged.

NOTE: These first aid sessions are also open to NON-SWIMMERS to come along and learn essential skills. NO SWIMMING involved for the first aid session.

The venue for first aid sessions is: Clevedon Sailing Club, The Beach, Clevedon BS21 7QU

Those registering for the challenge can opt to receive an exclusive winter dipper badge for an additional £5 (incl. postage); the red cross behind the snowflake reflects the significance of this year’s aim.

If you choose to swim through the winter, please remember: there is no pressure on you in respect of distance, duration, or frequency; swim as a much or as little as you want; it’s your own personal challenge.

You can also keep a record of your winter swims via a special form we have designed. Periodically we will aggregate and share the data.    

Clevedon Swimmers Winter Challenge badge


  • The challenge runs from Oct 2022 to Mar 2023.
  • To take part costs £15 toward running first aid training sessions. A Clevedon Swimmers Winter Challenge badge is an additional £5.
  • You enter the water at your own risk and must be responsible for your safety at all times.
  • You are responsible for any possessions you bring to a swim
  • If you have any medical concerns, it’s important that you speak to your GP before swimming in cold water.


  • Ideally, swim with a buddy, or keep swims short if alone
  • Take extra clothes to help warm up after you get out. 
  • Don’t drive or cycle straight after you get out, make sure you are properly warm before setting off
  • Read THESE ARTICLES, particularly if you are new to cold water swimming


Please complete the form below.

  • If you don’t want training, choose None and your entry fee will help ensure sessions can run.
  • If you cannot attend weekends, tick None and add a comment with a better time for you and we’ll try and arrange other dates. 

Sorry, all sessions full

we can organise more sessions if there is demand.
